
Showing posts from 2023

True life purpose is a product of understanding not visualisation

On one occasion, I received advice on how to discover my life purpose. They said I should visualize it by filling my mind with what I want my life to be. They stressed the importance of doing this exercise for at least two minutes each day to cement the vision in my mind. That exercise may be sufficient to help me achieve my temporal life purpose, but I am no longer content with the temporal. I seek an eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God, and that requires me to dig deeper. My eternal life purpose in the Kingdom of God is to fulfill the good works that the Creator has prepared in advance for me. I can only know what those good works are through spiritual understanding, which comes from prioritizing the Kingdom of God and its righteousness above all else. Filling my mind with what I want my life to be like will only lead me to the superficial values and customs of this world, which take me away from my true life purpose. Therefore, to fulfill my true life purpose, I will fill my ...

A true vision is given not self created

There’s a Bible verse that says if you don’t have a vision, you’ll perish. I used to think this meant I had to create my own vision to make sure my plans for the future were successful. But since I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, I’ve come to believe that the call to action isn’t to create my own vision. I now believe the call to action is to ask the Creator about His vision for my future. A vision in the Kingdom of God is the Creator’s supernatural path for my life. If I follow it, He promises to protect me. The Creator invites me into His Kingdom so He can protect me by giving me His vision. This vision helps me focus on the unseen and eternal, because the seen and temporal can lead me away from His plans for my life. Only through His vision can I fulfill my life destiny as He intended. My human sight is limited to what I can see. So my own self-created vision will also be limited. This makes me vulnerable to spiritual beings who want to lead me away from the Creator...

Destiny is to be aligned with not created

I used to believe that I had to create my own destiny. I thought that meant taking control of my life and shaping it into what I wanted it to be. However, this perspective suggests that destiny is something that I can control. According to the Kingdom of God this perspective is flawed because the Kingdom defines destiny as God’s wondrous promise of unity with humanity to fulfill His eternal plan on earth. My destiny is a preordained course that was determined before I was born but because of my sinful nature, I was always walking away from it. However, now that I have accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, my union with Jesus Christ positions me well to be aligned with it. Therefore, my role in determining my destiny is not to create it, but to align with it. To ensure that I am well aligned with destiny, I will familiarize myself with the Scriptures to gain the skill to understand and implement it. You can now follow my truth memoirs via Whatsapp. Click  here  to vi...

My journey to destiny seeks focus not random inspiration

It was my practice to seek out random inspirational quotes to assist me during times of difficulty. This worked for a while until it proved to be ineffective, and in fact, these quotes frequently left me feeling hopeless and empty. As a result, I discontinued seeking them out. I was unable to comprehend why these quotes had such a negative influence on me until now. God (of the Bible), who is the source of my faith journey, has a specific lane for me to travel on toward my destination. It was therefore unwise to seek inspiration in quotes that are based on life journeys that are rooted in unknown sources. My alignment with my created path toward destiny was activated when I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God. However, if I remain passive, I will not align myself with this path. My contributing action to the success of my alignment is to sacrifice my own desires for the desires of God (of the Bible)  To understand the differences between my own desires and the desires ...

Knowledge trumps sensuality

I used to say "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual" to explain why I left my denominational church religous teachings. I thought I was my own god and could access the spiritual realm on my own. But the truth is, the spiritual realm is invisible and can't be perceived with human senses. My human senses are spiritually blind, therefore believing I'm my own god is the blind leading the blind. When I rely on my human senses to perceive the spiritual realm, I won't get to true knowledge of truth. Instead I open myself up to being influenced spiritual domains that want to deceive me. They offer me the good life on earth, but they lead me astray in the spiritual realm. I unknowingly fulfill their agendas, which they don't make known upfront. That's why I chose the Kingdom of God as my gateway into the spiritual realm. The Kingdom of God's agenda is clear: to guarantee that I spend eternity with the Creator and to influence others towards the Kingdom by m...

Spiritual poverty will lead me to true awakening

Whenever I saw super rich individuals who claimed to be Christians I rejected them as true Christians because I associated true Christianity with poverty this was partly based on my lived experience of seeing poor people more committed to faith than rich people but when I put my thought to it this perspective was also influenced by a scripture that reads Blessed are the poor for they will inherit the Kingdom of heaven. When I realized that the poor in this verse refers to spiritual poverty, it gave me a whole new perspective on God. I learnt that to become spiritually poor I have to recognize that I can’t offer anything to the Kingdom of God on my own.     Having this mindset is important to my ability to experience the Kingdom of God in this lifetime because it allows God to satisfy my soul, which leads to true awakening. This awakening leads to greater love and abundant joy, which motivates me to give selflessly for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Spiritual poverty...

The cross is the source of true manifestation

In popular culture, manifestation is generally understood as the use of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to physical reality. Some popular tips for manifesting include: Thinking of something you want Visualizing it in detail Asking the universe for it Saying or writing positive affirmations in the present tens Looking for images that capture what you're trying to manifest  I did not actively use this strategy in my life, but I was not opposed to it. I would occasionally use it when it was convenient for me because it seemed like a good way to ensure that I achieved my goals. However, when I started to take my faith more seriously, I realized that this strategy is unbiblical. In the Bible, the unseen is the Kingdom of God, and the Creator’s will is to manifest it to the world through his gift of grace. He gives this gift to demonstrate his power on earth.Therefore, it is not my strength that enables the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in the world; rather, it i...

The flawed book is the source of the supernatural

The Bible is a book written by humans, so some people argue that it cannot be the ultimate truth because human beings are flawed. I used to believe this argument myself, but as I have grown in my faith, I have come to realize that the fact that the Bible was written by humans is actually a testament to how the Creator operates on earth. When I first started reading the Bible, I was amazed by how much it revealed about the Kingdom of God, a supernatural domain where the rule of Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I learned about my responsibilities in the Kingdom, as well as the Creator's promises . I also learned about the history of Creation and how to chart a path away from religion. As I continued to read the Bible, I was consumed by a fiery passion for Kingdom knowledge because I realized that the miracle wonders of the Kingdom of God are hidden in the Bible, and I was determined to keep my heart pure so that I could experience them. My Bible experience has been supernatural and huma...

Heaven is in both the future and present

As a child, I imagined heaven to be located in the sky because the Bible refers to it as "above". As I matured, I abandoned this belief, but I never questioned why the Bible referred to heaven in this manner. In my perspective both as a child and an adult, heaven seemed to be too far in the future, which was discouraging during difficult times when I needed it to be in the here and now. I only recently realized that heaven is referred to as "above" because it is located in the spiritual realm, which is a higher realm of existence than the natural realm in which I live. I also recently learned that, despite the fact that heaven is a future destination, God has graciously provided a means for humanity to experience heaven on earth. Heaven on earth is the Kingdom of God, which is the spiritual domain in which God's (of the Bible) power is manifested on earth. To access this realm, I must be born of both water and spirit. Being born of water is my  natural birth, wh...

I found true spiritual enlightenment in the Kingdom

The concept of spiritual enlightenment has become synonymous with self-realization and the ability to perceive the false self and the layers of social conditioning that obscure the authentic self.This concept of spiritual enlightenment was more appealing to me than the Bible teachings from my denominational church, because I could immediately apply it to my life, in contrast to the teachings from the church. Even after exploring this concept of spiritual enlightenment by reading various books and viewing videos of popular gurus who claimed to be enlightened, I did not reach a stage of self-realization. In fact, I felt like I was not making any progress because I was not becoming spiritually enlightened. I was more confused about my authentic self than when I began this journey. It was only after I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God that I felt like I was moving toward my authentic self. I did not know it at the time, but I now realize that the invitation into the Kingdom o...

True cleansing is activated by sacrifice

The recent media coverage of individuals drowning in rivers while conducting cleansing ceremonies for religious and cultural reasons has led me to reflect on the process of cleansing. Cleansing is a concept that is common to many religions and cultural practices, although the methods of implementation may vary. Despite these differences, there is a general consensus on the principle of cleansing. When I reflected on how various religions and cultural practices differ on the process of cleansing it made sense to me why as a citizen of the Kingdom of God I am prohibited to dabble in any other spiritual kingdom outside the Kingdom of God. The prohibition is for practical reasons and not a prohibition against my culture as an African as I have been previously made to believe. Cleansing in the Kingdom of God is a requirement as I strive to fulfill the will of the Creator. This cleansing is not a one-time occurrence; it is an ongoing process that I must engage in every day of my life. It is ...

It is the willing that are called not the worthy

It was previously my belief that being called is a privilege reserved for the worthy, whose success is measured by the number of people they serve. I have since come to understand that this is not the case in the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God, a calling is not reserved for the worthy or select few. It is an invitation to all citizens of the Kingdom of God, and the appropriate response is a willingness to accept the invitation to fulfill the Creator's plans and purposes on earth. A Kingdom calling is fulfilled to please the Creator, not men, and therefore its success cannot be measured by the number of people served. It is measured by faithfulness to the Creator. I have also believed that being called is about fulfilling my own desires. In the Kingdom, the purpose of a calling is to fulfill the Creator's desires and purposes over mine. A Kingdom calling is an opportunity to position myself to walk in the desires and purpose for which I was created, so that through me the...

I have been predetermined to have free will

There is a school of thought that argues that worshiping God (of the Bible) is not a matter of free will, because those who are destined to worship him are predetermined. When I recently learned that there is a heavenly registry (Book of Life) with the names of all those who will spend eternity with God, I was discouraged, because this seemed to support that argument. But on further reflection, I realized that the Book of Life is further evidence that worshiping God (of the Bible) is a matter of free will. The book exists for two reasons: to verify my acceptance of the invitation into the Kingdom at the end of time, and to further record my deeds while on earth after accepting the invite. Both reasons are evidence that I have the free will to either accept or decline the invite into the Kingdom of God. And even after accepting the invite, I have the free will to continue living my life to fulfill my own selfish desires or repent and dedicate my life to fulfill the desires of God. Both ...

The goal is to strive for eternal impact not heaven

Upon reflection, I realize that talks about heaven were not what initially drew me to the Kingdom of God. In fact, these talks irritated me and left me feeling discouraged, as I wanted immediate solutions to my everyday challenges, and conversations about heaven seemed far removed from my personal issues. I bought into this journey when I realized that there is more to accomplish in this journey before I can even think about heaven. Heaven is the ultimate destination, but the invitation into the Kingdom of God is about the here and now. This invitation is an invitation into a life of eternal impact. Eternal impact is the impartation of a blessing that affects the eternal destiny of others. This blessing comes as a result of loving the ways of the Lord and continually communing with Him, even in times of trouble. Striving for eternal impact has taught me to love others the way God loves them. When I strive for eternal impact more than I strive for heaven it will lead me on a journey of ...

Influence is the attainable goal over rules

I was raised in a religious household in a denominational church environment. However, my life was no different from that of the next person who came from a good home but was not necessarily religious. This made me question my religion, as it was clear that I did not need religious rules to be good. The goal to maintain religous rules and heaven seemed unattainable and so far away. This left me feeling discouraged until I realized that I had been looking at things the wrong way. The goal of Christianity is attainable and not so far away. Eternal impact is the impartation of a blessing that affects the eternal destiny of others. It is the blessing of influencing the eternal destinies of others by pointing them to the Kingdom of God. It is a blessing that I am allowed to impart to others when I accepted my invitation to the Kingdom of God. It holds the key to all that God has in store for me both in this lifetime and the next. Becoming an influencer for the Kingdom is a goal that attaina...

True contement is a result of joy not gratitude

Contentment is a state of being happy and satisfied. It is achieved by practicing gratitude, which helps one focus on positive emotions and remember what is meaningful in life. This kind of contentment has eluded me, and I never really understood why until now. Contentment as described above is not sustainable because it is grounded on surface-level happiness that fluctuates with my personal circumstances. To find deep-seated happiness that does not fluctuate with my circumstances, I must do more than simply practice gratitude. The deep-seated happiness, which is not grounded in my personal circumstances, is joy. It comes from finding delight and true pleasure in obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if my life perspective is only focused on the seen realm without considering the unseen realm, then no matter how much gratitude I practice, I will always be exposed to surface-level contentment that is temporary. To live in joy and achieve this deep-seated level of contentme...

Loving wisdom is better than self love

Self-love is the regard for one's own well-being and happiness, and the taking care of one's own needs without sacrificing one's well-being to please others. It means not settling for less than one deserves. I have always believed that this is the best way to live, but it turns out that self-love is not the best way to live in the Kingdom of God. Self-love seems like a positive thing, but it can actually have a negative impact on my true Kingdom identity. When I am focused on loving myself, I become self-centered and neglectful of others. Self love is an obstacle to generous love and the spreading of salvation, because when I am focused on loving myself, I am less likely to share my faith. This prevents me from being who I was created to be. The real source of self-love is fear, and it is therefore not from God. It is a result of being a slave to my own desires, which are by default hostile to the will of God. To journey successfully in the Kingdom of God I am better off d...

I do not seek to be spiritual outside the Kingdom

The phrase "I am spiritual, not religious" is often used to describe a worldview that does not regard organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth. I adopted this phrase when I found that I could not reconcile my denominational church beliefs with my everyday life. I adopted this phrase out of frustration with religion and to disassociate myself with anything related to what I had been taught through religion, including the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, as I have continued on my journey in the Kingdom of God, I have come to learn that it is in fact the will of the Creator that I become spiritual and not religious. In the Bible, being spiritual means living life on earth according to the standards of the Creator. However, these standards are impossible for humans to attain on their own. The Ten Commandments were given to demonstrate that it is humanly impossible to live according to the Creator's standards, withou...

My truth does not lead to true freedom

I once held the belief that truth was subjective, based on individual feelings and experiences. I believed that speaking one's truth was the path to freedom. However, I have come to realize that my truth is limited to my perspective and circumstances. It is therefore subject to change as my perspective or circumstances change. This means that the freedom I gain from speaking my truth is temporary and fleeting. True freedom comes from God's unshakeable love. When I began to rely on this truth, I experienced a greater intimacy with God (of the Bible). The Holy Spirit gave me spiritual sight, which enabled me to see through the lies of the enemy and experience true freedom in my present and future circumstances. I no longer rely on my feelings for freedom, but on the eternal truth of God's love for me. I believe this is the only true freedom that can stand the test of time. 

It is self sacrifice not self help for me

Self-help is the use of one's abilities and willpower to achieve things without relying on others. I have followed this life strategy for as long as I can remember, believing that it was the way to honor the Creator. However, I now realize that self-help is a belief based on empty rules rooted in religious rituals. It prevented me from fully embracing faith in the Creator. This way of life was not pleasing to the Creator because it was an attempt to earn His acceptance through my own abilities and willpower. I cannot earn the Creator's favor or acceptance through my own efforts. I can earn it when I sacrifice my own desires so that the Creator's desires may be fulfilled through me. This is self-sacrifice, and it is the only rational way to please the Creator. It cleanses me from sin, humbles me, and reveals my dependence on the Creator and His purpose for my life. To show my gratitude for salvation, I will offer to the Creator the only acceptable sacrifice to Him: my desire...

Being a vessel may not be aligned to my desires.

Recently, while composing a text message to wish a friend a happy birthday, I paused to reread the message before sending it. I read it over and over again, because something felt wrong. The message read, "Happy birthday my friend, may the good Lord grant you your wishes." This is a standard message that I usually use to wish others a happy birthday, but this time it felt wrong. After reading it a few times, I finally realized why it felt wrong. In this message, I was assuming that God's purpose on earth is to grant me and my loved ones our desires. However, this could not be further from the truth. God's purpose on earth is to expand His kingdom. My appropriate response to this project is to first accept His invitation to His kingdom and then lay down my desires for His desires, so that I can be well-positioned to be the vessel through which His Kingdom is expanded. When I respond appropriately to His purpose, three things happen to activate the expansion of His King...

Heaven is not my life pursuit

I was raised to believe that complying with God's will means living a good life on Earth in pursuit of heaven. However, I have found that this is not the case. To comply with God's will, I should spend my time on Earth learning how to be an active citizen of the Kingdom of God, rather than pursuing heaven. Heaven is a future eternal home that God has built for His children, but it will only be revealed at the end of time when Jesus Christ returns. In the meantime, God in His wisdom has created an enclave on Earth where Jesus Christ prepares those who follow Him for heaven. This enclave is the Kingdom of God. The realities of heaven should be esteemed as treasure, but the enclave should be pursued with passion. Those who go through its preparation become the building blocks through which many others will be influenced towards heaven when it is ultimately revealed. I will pursue Jesus Christ, the King with all authority in the Kingdom, to position myself to be the vessel used to ...

True change starts with transformation

My search for truth and meaning of life started when I recognised that I need change in my life, this was  motivated by a realisation that my religious upbringing was not providing me with the answers I was seeking.I then tried New Age beliefs, but they were also unsatisfactory. I now believe that the reason both of these things failed to satisfy me is because religion offered me rules and regulations, while New Age beliefs taught me partial truths about the spiritual realm. They both offered me changes that are rooted in the physical realm, while the Kingdom of God offers a deeper kind of change that is rooted in the spiritual realm to impact my spirit and soul. Spiritual transformation The Kingdom of God offered me a spiritual transformation that starts from the inside out and changes my character so that I am well-positioned to be used for Kingdom purposes. My spiritual transformation is more important in the Kingdom than my physical transformation, and it requires me to submit ...

Its repentance before baptism

I was baptized as an infant in accordance with the tradition of the denominational church in which I was raised. Infant baptism is not practiced by all denominations of the Christian faith, as some prefer to baptize adults. This always troubled me, as I could not understand why there is no consistency in the interpretation of this ritual, if it is as important as it is claimed, especially when all denominations of the Christian faith read from the same Bible. I then decided to conduct my own research on this subject, and to my surprise I learned that my infant baptism was nothing more than a religious ritual that had no impact on the Kingdom of God. Water Baptism When I accepted an invitation into the Kingdom of God, in the spiritual realm I was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit, activating my salvation. Water baptism is a physical act to acknowledge what has happened in the spiritual realm. It is a public declaration of the unity of my spirit with Jesus Christ. When water baptis...

I choose a life that priortise faith over my abilities

The biblical injunction to "be fruitful and multiply" is often used in weddings to encourage newlyweds to produce offspring. This led me to believe that fruitfulness meant demonstrating my abilities. However, as I have journeyed in the Kingdom of God, I have come to realize that I misunderstood the meaning of this Scripture.  Fruitfulness in the Kingdom of God means evidence of spiritual growth and faith in Jesus Christ. It is a call to make my life a living testimony of faith in Jesus Christ, so that I may be useful for the purposes of God on earth. Being fruitful allows me to love others the way God loves them, by prioritizing their material and spiritual well-being and influencing them towards the Kingdom of God. Fruitfulness is activated when I keep my trust and hope in the Lord even in unfavorable circumstances. Therefore to create a life on earth that is useful for the purpose of the Creator, I will create a life that testifies about my faith, not my abilities, so that ...

I no longer seek autonomy

As a teenager, I was eager to leave home and become independent. As an adult, I started my own business so that I would not have to be dependent on others for my livelihood. Autonomy has always been a driving force in my life. I have always sought autonomy, not just from my parents and employers, but also from the Creator. I had not accepted His invitation into His Kingdom, and so I was unknowingly seeking autonomy from Him as well. Now that I have accepted His invitation, I am learning that autonomy is not an attribute that leads to prosperity in the spiritual realm where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. When I accepted His invitation into the Kingdom of God, I was declared independent from the spiritual domains that are hostile to the Creator. My independence from these kingdoms made me dependent on the Creator. This dependence on the Creator has allowed me to understand the mysteries of the spiritual realm that are beyond my human understanding, and it has positioned me well to receive ...

I dont desire self confidence as a superpower

Self-confidence is defined as the acceptance and trust of oneself, as well as a sense of control over one's life. It is often said to be a superpower because once one begins to believe in themselves, magic happens. I have looked up to people who have displayed this attribute clearly in their lives, and it is an attribute that I have aspired to have and tried to instill in my children. However, I have come to believe that self-confidence is not the answer. It requires that I trust in my own abilities while ignoring the realities of the spiritual realm. It forces me to only focus on my reality in the physical realm, this will hinder my journey of life in the Kingdom of God. Selflessness, on the other hand, is defined as considering both the physical and spiritual well-being of others ahead of my own, even when they do not deserve it. It is a demonstration of underserved mercy, the same mercy that has been shown to me by the Creator. When I consider both the physical and spiritual wel...

Independence is an obstacle to my true identity

My life strategy was originally founded on the belief that I must rely on my own strength and not depend on anyone or anything in order to be successful in this world. In other words, I believed that independence was essential for success. While it is true that I can achieve my dreams and be successful if I work hard enough and overcome all obstacles, this kind of success comes at the expense of my true identity, which is the identity that the Creator intended for me. Now that I have acquired this new knowledge about the Kingdom of God, I am no longer content with achieving success at the expense of knowing my true identity. The stakes have now been raised. I want to be successful in this lifetime without compromising my true identity. Therefore, I need a new strategy. My old strategy ignored the reality that there is a battle in the spiritual realm to influence my soul. In this battle, there are two sides: one side whose mission is to influence me away from the Creator, and the other ...

The key to my destiny is submission not service

Several years ago, I encouraged a few friends to contribute monthly to a grocery fund for a child-headed family in a nearby squatter camp. My friends did not let me down; most of them not only wanted to donate money, but also wanted to be actively involved in buying and delivering the groceries. I was very proud of this initiative, as I believed I was serving the Creator and doing good work. However, this service was not good enough in the spiritual territory, where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I do not exist to fulfill my own plans; I exist to fulfill the Creator's plan for my life. And in order for this plan to be revealed, I first need to accept the invitation into the Kingdom of God, and then fully submit to the King. When I started this initiative, I had not accepted this invitation. I was therefore a fool to think I was serving the Creator when in fact I was serving my own ego. I have now accepted the invitation into the Kingdom, but in order for the details of the plan for m...

To influence I must first follow

When I first joined social media, I wanted to sway people to my way of thinking. I wanted them to support my political ideas, my favorite soccer team Kaizer Chiefs, and my business. I don't think I was very successful, but social media did help me share my views with my network. I didn't understand why my attempts to influence others weren't more successful, but I now realize that if I had been, the impact would have been superficial and short-lived. That's not what the Creator had in mind for me. Eternal influence The kind of influence the Creator wants me to have is eternal because this life is just a shadow of the real thing, which is the Kingdom of God. To have eternal influence, I need to be in the Kingdom of God. That's the first step. The second step is to follow in the footsteps of the one who rules the Kingdom of God. So, if I want to influence others for a future that goes beyond this life, I need to be a follower of Jesus Christ so that He may be seen thr...

My setback is a setup

Recently, I shared my financial challenges with a friend. He remarked that many people are struggling financially these days. I am unsure whether he was being truthful or simply trying to make me feel better. I was unable to discuss the matter in depth, so I kept our conversation general. This subject is personal to me, as it has been a lifelong struggle that worsened when I began my walk with Jesus Christ. I have reflected deeply on this, as my journey has set me back financially and in other ways. However, as I have delved deeper into the Bible, I have realized that I should have expected this, as it is a common theme throughout scripture. Setback to be set up Jesus Christ was given all authority in the seen and unseen realms, but he was crucified before he assumed his authority. This demonstrates to me that in order to be an overcomer in the Kingdom of God, I must go through what Jesus, went through. At one point, it seemed like he was set back, but he was actually being set up to a...

Demolished to make way for the new

I was raised to believe that obeying the Bible would lead to a good life as a result I thought that following God's word would solve all my problems, but my personal experience has been the opposite. When I started consciously obeying the Bible, my life fell apart.  Things went downhill fast, and I was discouraged and confused because my expectations weren't met. Nobody told me that creating a good life is only half the story when it comes to obeying the Word of God. Double edged sword The Bible is a double-edged sword. There are both good and bad consequences to obeying it. The good consequence is that it has allowed me to create a new life built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. The bad consequence is that, while a new life is being created, all aspects of my life that were built outside the Kingdom of God are being demolished. My old life is being destroyed to make way for the new life that is built on the solid foundation of the Kingdom of God. This process is not without ...

My life experience on earth can be permanent

When I was younger, I learned through New Age teachings that everything is temporary: emotions, thoughts, people, and scenery. I shouldn't get attached to anything; I should just go with the flow. This perspective on life made sense to me, and I tried to apply it to my own life. But it was easier said than done. I struggled with it because even though it made sense, I desperately needed something to hold on to when life didn't go my way. To my surprise, when I started my journey of faith in Jesus Christ, I learned that the Bible also encourages me not to get attached to this life on earth, because it is temporary. I learned later that although the Bible encourages a similar perspective on life on earth, it goes further than New Age teachings. The Bible points me to a permanent life that I should hold on to. Eternal Life The Bible has discouraged me from placing too much emphasis on the value of life on earth. Instead, it encourages me to align myself with a life that will last ...