I do not seek to be spiritual outside the Kingdom

The phrase "I am spiritual, not religious" is often used to describe a worldview that does not regard organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth. I adopted this phrase when I found that I could not reconcile my denominational church beliefs with my everyday life.

I adopted this phrase out of frustration with religion and to disassociate myself with anything related to what I had been taught through religion, including the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, as I have continued on my journey in the Kingdom of God, I have come to learn that it is in fact the will of the Creator that I become spiritual and not religious.

In the Bible, being spiritual means living life on earth according to the standards of the Creator. However, these standards are impossible for humans to attain on their own. The Ten Commandments were given to demonstrate that it is humanly impossible to live according to the Creator's standards, without His help.

The Creator has created a way for humanity to attain His standard of righteousness, but this help is only available through a union with His Son, Jesus Christ. Union with Christ enables us to endure the journey of being spiritual in a natural world, it sets us apart for the Creator’s purposes, it positions us to experience His blessings in this lifetime.

I no longer seek spirituality outside of the Kingdom of God, which is why I have accepted the invitation into the Kingdom. I now seek to be spiritual in accordance with the Creator's standards, because I know that disobeying this truth will place my spirituality under the influence of spiritual beings that are hostile to the Creator's agenda.

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