LIFE LESSON: The revelation of Trinity is for our benefit.

I grew up in a denominational church which embraced the idea that the Creator is a Triune Being,therefore the term Holy Trinity is a term I am well familiar with and I thought I understood it until I heard a critic say “ 3 in 1 is a good description for a brand of shampoo and not a logical description of God.”.

When I was not able to provide a counter argument against this statement I realized that I did not understand this concept of the One Creator in 3 persons, because “ if you can't explain it you don't understand it ”. 

I have chosen the Bible as my playbook for my journey towards being who I was created to be, so it is critical that I fully comprehend this concept of a Triune Creator. I went on a journey to understand and explain it, this is how my journey unfolded.

Created in His image

The first thing I did was to consider that I was also created in 3 inseparable forms i.e. body, soul and spirit and the Bible says I am created in the Creator’s image so, I applied this logic to the Creator.

This enabled me to understand how the CREATOR can be one BEING and 3 in persons, each person with a distinct role as follows:

  • The Father - the Creator of all things. 
  • The Son - the bridge that gives me access to the presence of the Creator and all authority of the Father has been delegated to him. 
  • The Holy Spirit  - the guide that directs me on how to live in alignment with the Creator. He is the Creator’s Spirit and thoughts.

It is for my benefit.

The Creator reveals himself through the Bible but the term Holy Trinity is not in the Bible. I then considered how he reveals himself through the Bible and it was clear to me that in the Old Testament he reveals himself as the FATHER, in the New Testament he reveals himself as the SON and then finally he reveals himself as the HOLY SPIRIT, making him a Triune Creator. 

Knowing what I know of his character, I am convinced that the Creator chose to reveal himself this way to enable my finite mind to comprehend an infinite being. As it is the case when an object is viewed in 3 dimensions it gives a better and deeper understanding than when viewed in 1 dimension. 

I will never fully comprehend the nature and character of the Creator but when I consider him as a Triune Being I get enough knowledge about his character to enable me to successfully fulfill my journey towards being who he has created me to be. 

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