LIFE LESSON: Limited access is a demonstration of love

In recent times in unrelated situations two friends asked “If Jesus is the only way to the Creator what happens to people who are in areas where they do not have access to the gospel?”. I mumbled something in my effort to respond. I have also silently wrestled with this question but have never consciously sought the answer, so when the question was asked I did not know the answer as a result I gave an incoherent response.

I wrestled with this question because I was really seeking a response to this commentary that was playing itself in my head  - It is unfair for a loving Creator to limit access to himself through one way when the gospel is not accessible to all people in the world.

If I am to successfully navigate my journey towards wholeness with the Bible as my playbook I cannot afford to have important questions like this play in my head unanswered, I therefore took it upon myself to find a logical answer, for my sake

I do not think I am qualified to conclude with certainty on the final destiny of those who have not heard the gospel. But when I consider that the Creator is all knowing I was able to get to a logical conclusion about the Creator that limits how he is accessed.

He is all knowing

The Creator is all knowing meaning he knows the end from the beginning. It is his will that all human beings hear and accept the gospel, but because he is just he does not impose his will on us, he makes it possible for us to have a choice to accept or reject him.

We are finite beings with limited knowledge of the future, he is an infinite Creator with all knowledge of the future. When we are born it is not clear to us what the future holds but he knows what the future holds, he knows whether we will accept or reject him in our lifetime. For those he knows will accept the gospel at some point in their lifetime he also knows when they will accept it. At the right time he creates conducive circumstances to enable them to hear and accept the gospel.

He has supreme authority over where we are born, when people are born in areas where they are not exposed to the gospel, he creates other means to reveal himself to them for instance he uses missionaries or Jesus appears to those people in dreams.To those he does not reveal himself I believe it is most likely that he knows upfront that they will reject him.

The Creator demonstrates his love for us by ensuring that anyone who will accept him has access to him one way or the other. He also shows us his love by clearly defining how we can access him to protect us from other spiritual forces with ill intentions. 

I wrestled with this question for a long time because I considered it from my limited finite point of view instead of considering it from his infinite point of view.

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