LIFE LESSON: Community is vital to journey towards destiny

There is a picture doing rounds on various social media platforms of a guy wearing a t - shirt reading “We have not left God we left the church”. This is an indictment against the church because this sentiment is shared by many, considering the number of times this picture has been circulated and liked. It confirms that many people have walked away from the church because they feel let down.

I also felt let down by church, when I encountered storms of life I approached the Priests at my denominational church for answers but they were unable to help. I decided to walk away because I did not see the point. I thought I could figure it all out by myself and for a few months it felt like I was making headway until I learnt that the journey towards destiny with Yahweh (God revealed in the Bible) cannot be done without church. 

The redemption plan

Yahweh (God revealed in the Bible) has a plan to reconcile humanity with himself. Our role in this plan is to:

  • love Yahweh with all our hearts and 

  • love others more than we love ourselves.

Church is more than just a building, it is a community of people who have accepted the free gift of being right with Yahweh. 

This community is key to his redemption plan because:

  • It is in the community that we learn to love Yahweh with all our hearts through mentorship opportunities by those who are matured in faith.

  • It is in the community that we get to practice loving others more than we love ourselves through opportunities to serve others in a controlled and safe environment of like minded people.

It is therefore clear that without the church Yahweh’s plan for my life was not likely to succeed.The lack of answers from my denominational church when I really needed them was very hurtful but two wrongs do not make a right. 

Leaving church was not the right decision for me as it defeated the purpose for Yahweh’s plan for redemption. I have since found a non denominational Bible teaching church that helps me navigate this journey towards my destiny.

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