LIFE LESSON: Multiple access but one way to deliverance

I have been battling with this question: if Jesus is the only way to God what about other religions? Clearly other religions do not revere Jesus Christ; they acknowledge his existence but only see him as another Prophet. So how is it that they are able to access God without acknowledging him as is the requirement in the Christian faith?

I had to consider that maybe he is not the only way to God there must be multiple ways to God. This consideration did not help clear it for me, instead it confused me further. Why would a loving God give us multiple options to get to him and leave it to us to figure out the best route? This does not line up with the character of God as taught in the Bible. There must be another explanation.

Multiple gods

The ultimate goal for any religion is to be delivered from sin and its consequences and the 3 major religions differ on how this is done. Islam and Judeasim teach that to be delivered from sin and its consequences requires faith and self effort.

The Christian faith teaches that no amount of self effort can get you delivered, therefore deliverance from sin and its consequence is by faith alone as far as the Christian faith is concerned.

These fundamental differences on deliverance lead me to conclude that there must be multiple gods and the statement Jesus is the only way to God is designed to ensure that we know there are multiple gods and the varying ways to access them but the only way to the God revealed in the Bible is through Jesus Christ.

The answer to the question if Jesus is the only way what about the other religions? Is that Jesus is not the way gods that are revealed outside the Bible, he is the only way to God revealed in the Bible.

I guess right question to be asked is who is the true God? For me the only true God is the one revealed through the Bible hence I have acknowledged that Jesus Christ is my only way to Him.

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