LIFE LESSON : It is a book that gives insight to true identity

There is a line of thought that says the Bible is only relevant to Jewish people because it is a book about their history. The proponents of this line of thought also question its accuracy and authority.

There was a time in my life when I embraced this line of thinking but it was just an excuse for me to not read the Bible. It felt like a logical excuse because the people behind this line of thinking have a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of culture and in some instances they are former Bible scholars.

When I decided to use the Bible as my playbook for my journey to true identity, I realized that seeing the Bible as a history book of natural people in a natural world is missing the point.The Bible is a book whose tentacles extend beyond the natural realm, it extends beyond what is visible with a naked eye.

Insight into spiritual

Life experience in the natural world is a shadow of the true life experience that exists in the spiritual realm. To be who I was created to be I need access and insight into the spiritual realm because that is where my Creator exists.

When I accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of my life, I was granted legitimate access into the spiritual realm but access does not give me sight into it, the spiritual realm is still invisible to my natural senses.To gain insight into the spiritual I need to know the true character of the Creator and he reveals himself through the Bible.

The revelation of the Creator’s true character through the Bible leads to the knowledge of my true identity because I am created in his image. When I engage with the Bible I also learn to interpret this life through the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is the Creator’s perspective so the Bible enables me to interpret this life from the Creator’s point of view.

The Bible to me is not a Jewish history book, it is an authoritative book that guides me into the spiritual realm. I read it to gain daily spiritual insights about my journey to true identity.

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