LIFE LESSON: True faith is motivated by grace not fear

I grew up in a Christian denominational church but when I was searching for meaning of life I unknowingly dabbled in New Age beliefs because my Christian faith did not teach me to connect my faith and the search to meaning of life .Whereas the connection between New Age beliefs and the search for meaning is very clear. Even though New Age beliefs had clearer connections to meaning of life I was still not content with the answers,it still felt like there was something missing.

I then circled back to the Christian faith through a non denominational Bible teaching church, the move to circle back to my Christian faith was partly motivated by fear of the unknown. When I went outside my Christian beliefs through the New Age beliefs I did not find the answers I was looking for as a result I feared exploring any other unknown beliefs; it was therefore safer for me to go back to what was familiar.

When I got to the point where I felt comfortable with my new perspective towards Christianity as my chosen path to find meaning to life, I then decided to do a surface overview comparison between Christianity and the 2 other major religious beliefs and here is what I found.

Christianity is unique

All 3 major religious beliefs agree on the existence of a Divine Being, they also agree that the truth about the meaning of life lies with the Divine Being. Where they differ is how salvation is attained.

Judaism teaches -  Salvation is attained by doing good deeds.

Islam teaches -  Salvation is attained when your good deeds exceed your bad deeds. 

Christianity teaches - Salvation is attained when you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Savior and confess with your mouth he is the Lord. 

Salvation in both Islam and Judaism is attained by both faith and self effort whereas in Christianity teaches that salvation comes through faith alone no amount of self effort will bring you salvation, it is a free gift of grace available to all.

Salvation in both Judaism and Islam is not guaranteed. It all depends on your self effort Whereas in Christianity salvation is guaranteed on accepting the free gift of grace.

My initial motivation for circling back to the Christian faith might have been borne out of fear of the unknown but it has since changed. I am choosing Christianity as a path towards the truth about the meaning of life because Yahweh (God of the Bible) is unique; he has shown me grace when I did not deserve it.

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