TESTIMONY: True faith is a consequence of reasonable thinking

While browsing social media platforms recently I came across a meme that shows a man leaving his brains at the door before entering a church.The point that is beng made with the meme is that Christians are brainless to put their faith in the unseen Creator. I was naturally offended when I first saw this meme, but then I had to consider that people have been made to drink petrol or eat grass in the name of the Christian faith. This made me understand how anyone can say thinking is not required to be a Christian.

I could never understand or justify how anyone who is on a journey of faith can be passive enough to be lured to drink petrol or eat grass without thinking about the consequences, my journey of faith has been different. It required that I stop being passive and question everything I have been taught since childhood. My journey required that I do a lot of thinking and probing.

Seeking faith

When my denominational church failed to answer questions about life and the storms I have been experiencing, I embarked on a journey where I started asking deeper questions about the role of church and faith in everyday life. It was in probing that I discovered that my faith was not in the Creator it was in religion. It was in asking deep questions that I realized I had a lot of knowledge about church traditions but very little knowledge about the  Creator. 

Probing and asking difficult questions made me realize that my faith was misplaced, therefore my journey of seeking faith in an unseen Creator is a consequence of probing as opposed to being passive and brainless. 

The meme no longer offends me because my personal experience is proof that true faith requires rational thinking.I have also learnt that the Chiristian faith journey does not bear fruit when it is approached in a brainless and passive posture. Therefore asking difficult questions should be encouraged in the Christian faith because it is the key to success.

When I realised I was only being fed with head knowledge, probing empowered me with enough courage to start searching for a church and community that will equip me with practical knowledge of the Creator.

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