What I priortise will lead towards or away from my destiny.

Life lesson : Viewing life on earth in light of eternity is crucial to experiencing true life

Throughout my life, I have embraced the principle of "family first," rooted in my denominational church upbringing and aligned with African Spirituality. However, this principle clashes with the teachings of the Kingdom of God, which prioritize seeking the Kingdom above all else (Matthew 6:33).

When I prioritized family, my focus drifted away from Christ. In contrast, the Kingdom of God emphasizes focusing on Christ as the central figure (1 Corinthians 15:47). This focus leads to daily communion with Christ, providing a perspective that views life through the lens of eternity (2 Corinthians 4:17) and fostering an intimate relationship with Him. This relationship kindles a longing for the unseen and eternal, facilitating a spiritual awakening through Christ (Colossians 3:1).

While the family unit is significant and encouraged in the Kingdom of God, prioritizing it above the Kingdom hinders my pursuit of destiny and true identity. As a result, my guiding principle has evolved from "family comes first" to "family's alignment with the Kingdom of God comes first." This shift enables me to focus on influencing my family's pursuit of the Kingdom, ultimately leading them to fulfill their purpose and discover their true identity.

Embracing the Kingdom of God's directive has transformed my perspective, allowing me to prioritize my relationship with Christ and align my family's priorities with His Kingdom. This shift has brought a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment to my life, as I strive to influence my family and others to embrace the same Kingdom-centered worldview.

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