LIFE LESSON: The spiritual battle is not about finding a healthy balance.

When I first started my journey of faith in Christ I was excited because of the new way I was seeing God but I could also be tunnel visioned when I am excited about something as a result a lot of well meaning people in my life advised me to find a healthy balance between spirituality and the reality of life

I struggled with this concept of balance because I did not understand how to make it work practically. My intention is to go for everything that God has planned for my life, so this concept seemed to mean there are things of God I needed to compromise to find this balance. 

It is still a struggle for me to live out this balance but at least now I know that I am struggling with it  because it is not possible to find a happy medium between the spiritual being and the natural being in me. Here is why.

Body, Soul and Spirit

Humans are made of body, soul and spirit, with the body we perceive the natural realities, with our soul the link between the natural being and the spiritual being we perceive our own desires and with the spirit we perceive spiritual realities. The bible also teaches us that these 3 things are hostile to the will of God

  • The world culture,

  • Our selfish desires 

  • Other spiritual beings who have rebelled against God under the leadership of Satan 

This then means we are hostile to God by default and this hostility is the reason we are  disconnected from him, but when we acknowledge Jesus Christ our spirit is then filled with God’s Spirit and we then get reconnected with him. This reconnection enables us to be in a relationship and in direct communication with him.

Balancing spirituality with natural realities

God fills our spirit with his Spirit because:

  • God is spirit and we can only perceive him through our spirit. 

  • The spirit influences the soul and the soul influences the body. Through the Holy Spirit God influences our spirit which influences our soul which then finally influences our body to do the will of God.

In other words without the Holy Spirit we are unable to do the will of God

To balance spirituality with natural realities implies that we need to find a happy place between the spiritual being and the natural being which is impossible because when we are born again of Spirit, our spirit is now positioned to do the will of God but our soul and body are still hostile to God and whenever our spirit tries to influence them to do the will of God there will always be a push back.

It is therefore impossible to find a happy balance between my spiritual being and my natural being without compromising the will of God in my life. 

The battle is not about seeking balance it is about ensuring that my spiritual being always triumphs over my natural being.

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