LIFE LESSON: Varying church denominations are the consequence of our innate character

There are a lot of church denominations in the Christian faith with differing opinions and sometimes direct opposite opinions about God. Trying to learn all different denominations to try and figure out who is right and who is wrong could be a nightmare.

I imagine this is one of the reasons a lot of people are staying away from church or they are holding on to the church denomination they were brought up in. I also did not bother doing research until personal circumstances forced my hand because 
It seemed very convenient to stick to the church denomination I was brought up in. 
Even if I wanted to rock the boat and ask questions I did not know anyone who was objective enough to answer my questions without being biased to their own preference of denomination.
I did not want to open myself up to false prophets who will make me drink petrol or fleece me of my money as I have seen happen to other people.

So why does a sovereign God allow so much confusion about him among his people? 

Man’s natural craving for independence

God clearly reveals himself through the bible, he revealed how he wants to reconnect with us i.e. through Jesus Christ but we have an innate craving to be our own gods .This flawed character we have was revealed early in the bible through the story where Adam and Eve disobeyed God's instruction not to eat from the tree of knowledge. The consequence of their act led to humanity being separated from God.

Even though God has revealed how he wants us to reconnect with him, our natural craving of independence from God has influenced us to create man-made rules and systems that are either opposing God’s way of getting to us or they add to what God has already done..

Man’s concept of god

When we go against God’s way or add to his way of getting to us we create our man-made concept of god who is not the same as God revealed in the bible.

This man - made concept of god is a distraction away from fulfilling the will of God as it keeps God’s people busy striving to comply with religious rules and systems instead of striving for a personal relationship with God the Almighty.

Due to this god, false prophets are thriving because they put on display divine powers which are not of God but they are nevertheless divine powers that people do not experience in the church. God’s will is to make an impact in the world through the church and its people but we do not experience that because this man- made god is powerless against the forces opposing the will of God

Therefore our natural craving for independence which leads to religion is the reason behind all this confusion behind the varying church denominations amongst the Christian faith because God clearly reveals himself through the bible.

To gain true knowledge about God I will worship him as he is revealed in the bible without adding or subtracting anything.

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