My journey to destiny seeks focus not random inspiration

It was my practice to seek out random inspirational quotes to assist me during times of difficulty. This worked for a while until it proved to be ineffective, and in fact, these quotes frequently left me feeling hopeless and empty. As a result, I discontinued seeking them out. I was unable to comprehend why these quotes had such a negative influence on me until now.

God (of the Bible), who is the source of my faith journey, has a specific lane for me to travel on toward my destination. It was therefore unwise to seek inspiration in quotes that are based on life journeys that are rooted in unknown sources.

My alignment with my created path toward destiny was activated when I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God. However, if I remain passive, I will not align myself with this path. My contributing action to the success of my alignment is to sacrifice my own desires for the desires of God (of the Bible) 

To understand the differences between my own desires and the desires of God, I must immerse myself in the knowledge of the Kingdom. I no longer seek random inspirational quotes because their impact has been negative and temporary. Instead, I focus on finding my divinely created lane. To assist me in maintaining my focus on finding my lane, I only focus on inspirational quotes that point me to the Kingdom of God.

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