True cleansing is activated by sacrifice

The recent media coverage of individuals drowning in rivers while conducting cleansing ceremonies for religious and cultural reasons has led me to reflect on the process of cleansing. Cleansing is a concept that is common to many religions and cultural practices, although the methods of implementation may vary. Despite these differences, there is a general consensus on the principle of cleansing.

When I reflected on how various religions and cultural practices differ on the process of cleansing it made sense to me why as a citizen of the Kingdom of God I am prohibited to dabble in any other spiritual kingdom outside the Kingdom of God. The prohibition is for practical reasons and not a prohibition against my culture as an African as I have been previously made to believe.

Cleansing in the Kingdom of God is a requirement as I strive to fulfill the will of the Creator. This cleansing is not a one-time occurrence; it is an ongoing process that I must engage in every day of my life. It is a process that empowers me to influence others toward the Kingdom.

Unlike other religions and cultural practices, the cleansing process in the Kingdom of God is not external. It is an internal process that is activated by being a living sacrifice. This means this cleansing process is activated when I surrender my own desires for the desires of the Creator.

In other religions and cultural practices the cleansing of the physical body adds value to the process.This is not the case in the Kingdom of God cleansing my physical body will not add value to the process. Therefore dabbling in other spiritual kingdoms outside the Kingdom of God will only serve to confuse the practical implementation of this important aspect of my spiritual journey.

As I continue on this journey to fulfill the Creator’s will for my life, I will offer my desires for His desires so that I may be cleansed and become who I was created to be.

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