A true vision is given not self created

There’s a Bible verse that says if you don’t have a vision, you’ll perish. I used to think this meant I had to create my own vision to make sure my plans for the future were successful. But since I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, I’ve come to believe that the call to action isn’t to create my own vision.

I now believe the call to action is to ask the Creator about His vision for my future. A vision in the Kingdom of God is the Creator’s supernatural path for my life. If I follow it, He promises to protect me.

The Creator invites me into His Kingdom so He can protect me by giving me His vision. This vision helps me focus on the unseen and eternal, because the seen and temporal can lead me away from His plans for my life. Only through His vision can I fulfill my life destiny as He intended.

My human sight is limited to what I can see. So my own self-created vision will also be limited. This makes me vulnerable to spiritual beings who want to lead me away from the Creator’s plan for my life and His place of refuge.

My knowledge of the Creator’s vision is enabled by the Holy Spirit, who came into my life when I accepted the invitation to unite with Jesus Christ.

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