Life is not fully appreciated when percieved sensually

I have always known Jesus Christ as a person who has died for my sins but this has not helped me connect the dots between him and my every day life struggles.

I saw him as others of differing religious beliefs saw him, for instance people of Muslim faith believe he was just a prophet, Judaism believes he was a Rabbi, Buddhists believe he was a great person and New Agers see him as a good exemplary teacher. 

These perspectives on Jesus is based on his deeds when he walked the earth but he has not physically walked the earth since 2000 years ago so only considering his deeds when he walked the earth is the reason he is not revered as he should. 

Jesus is alive today but he exists in the unseen realm and when I started to consider him that way I was able to connect the dots on his relevance to life today.

Kingdom of God

In the unseen realm there are 2 types of kingdoms, there is a Kingdom whose aim is to influence me towards the Creator and the other kingdom exist to influence me away from the Creator.The Kingdom that influences me towards the Creator is called the Kingdom of God.

All authority in the Kingdom of God has been assigned to Jesus Christ there is no access to the Kingdom without him. Jesus is the only link and connection between my soul and the Creator,he holds the key to my true identity i.e. the best version of who I am.

I only fully appreciated who Jesus Christ is when I considered him in the unseen realm, this also tells me I will only fully appreciate and understand my life on earth when I consider it both spiritually and sensually.

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