LIFE LESSON: Human administered justice will always be flawed

Bryan Stevenson, a US Human rights lawyer once said Americans should not be asking whether capital punishment is the right thing to do or not but they should be asking whether they have the right to end another human being's life given the flawed American justice system.

Bryan Stevenson is the founder of an organization Equal Justice Initiative who have won reversals, relief, or release from prison for over 135 wrongly condemned prisoners on death row and won relief for hundreds of others wrongly convicted or unfairly sentenced. So he knows what he is talking about when he says the American justice system is flawed.

We do not have capital punishment in South Africa but I share his views of a flawed justice system, in the South African context especially when I see people escaping punishment because they have the financial means and those without financial means suffer unjust  consequences.These sentiments are shared by many South Africans in circles that I socialize in.

This common the sentiment across different countries that justice systems are flawed is an indication that human administered justice systems cannot be truly just. 

True Justice

We cannot be in God’s presence without making amends for our sins but making amends for our sins to be in God’s presence is a humanly impossible task.This is why God who is revealed in the Bible came down to make amends on our behalf,creating an opportunity for us to reconcile with him so we can be in his presence.

We define justice as giving each person what they each deserve, but we do not deserve this opportunity, yet we are invited to enjoy its benefits. This is God’s version of true justice which is not attainable in our human faculties.

This is why God revealed in the Bible is the only voice for true justice, therefore a human administered justice system without his voice will never be able to deliver true justice.
I have stopped expecting justice from a human administered system so I can experience God’s version of true justice.

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