LIFE LESSON: The human definition of justice is fluid and unreliable

Recently Mbuso Moloi aka Woolies Looter pleaded guilty to charges of theft and public violence related to the looting during the 2021 July Unrest.Public opinion on this turn of events was very divided. There are some people who believe justice was not served because big politicians and corporate officials stole more than him but they have yet to be brought to account.

Personally I feel justice is served,we can't compare this case and that of others based on the value involved, each case must be judged on its merit. But truth be told there are instances where I would be the one making the argument made by those who claim justice was not served in this case.

This means my kind of justice is fluid depending on who is involved. I realize that this could not be right I need to understand why this is the case.

What we see is not all that there is to see.

We are privileged to know and appreciate after the fact that Jesus came to save humanity. If the people who killed him were afforded the same privilege they would have probably not killed him,but this would have thwarted God’s plan for redemption.

Jesus allowed himself to be killed to fulfill a divine plan that did not make sense to the human beings at that moment this tells me there is a realm of understanding that exceeds human comprehension.To have a full understanding of life on earth I therefore need to explore this realm and get insights into it. According to the God of the Bible this realm is legitimately explored only through Jesus Christ.

When I put my kind of justice through the prism of the unseen realm it then becomes clear that my kind of justice is fluid because my motive is revenge disguised as justice. So whenever I feel strongly on whether justice has prevailed or not in any situation I first check my motives before I make a judgment.

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