TESTIMONY: Freedom is knowing what I was created for


Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.


I am in a season where my life seems to be falling apart, but it is in this dark period of my life where I discovered God’s purpose for my life.

Knowing the purpose of my life did not end my suffering but it has given me an understanding that suffering is an important part of the process if the goal is to be who God has created me to be . This is taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

Knowing my purpose did not take away the pain but it has allowed me to focus on what is important and let go of what is not important. It has forced me to focus on what God cares about i.e. my eternal future and not on the cares of man.

Knowing the WHY of my life has enabled me to deal with my FOMO (fear of missing out) because the Bible teaches me that God’s purpose always prevails.

Knowing my purpose made me understand that God is more interested in building my character for his purpose than he is in my circumstances. Therefore I have learnt to focus on what God is doing in my life rather than focus on delivering me from my circumstances.

Knowing my purpose has stopped me from feeling sorry for myself and being self focused because I now understand that this is not about me, but it is about God’s purpose on the earth which has been in operation since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.


Knowing the purpose of my life has changed my perspective on life and freed me from untruths about my life and my current circumstances therefore knowing what I am created for and living according to that design has brought me freedom.

Therefore my definition of freedom is not the power or right to do as I want but it is in understanding what am I created for and living according to that design

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