LIFE LESSON: True justice requires forgiveness

This year marks 30 years since struggle hero Chris Hani was assassinated, earlier in the year his killer Janusz Walus was also paroled. A lot of people were outraged when he was paroled because they did not believe he told the truth about the identity of the person who is the brains behind the assassination.

I also thought his parole was an injustice, because he brought this country on the brink of a civil war.I was outraged because his actions are proof that he did not care about the well being of this country so he deserved to rot in jail as far as I was concerned.

But I had an opportunity to think hard about my outrage, this is when I realized that my definition of justice in this instance was revenge, but revenge is an obstacle towards my journey to destiny disguised as justice.

Revenge is a distraction

As a human being I am a vessel of forces in the unseen realm whose motive is to either influence me towards the Creator or away from the Creator. So when I seek revenge on another human being I am actually seeking revenge on another vessel, this is a diversion away from the real culprit.

Revenge is a distraction towards my journey to destiny because it gives a foothold to forces in the unseen realm whose motives are to drive me away from the Creator, when I am driven away from the Creator,I am also driven away from my destiny. 

On the other hand when I forgive as recommended by the Creator it gives him way to get me closer to him leading to me getting on the right pathway towards my destiny.

When I forgive, I am handing both the vessel and the real culprit over to the Creator, the only one who knows how to administer true justice . It is therefore more beneficial to me to strive for forgive Janusz Walus instead of seeking revenge on him and this I believe will give way to true justice.

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