Salvation enabled my spiritual awakening

I was raised a Christian but as I grew up I thought Christianity had a narrow lens through which to interpret humanity's relationship to the great spiritual experience , and this is the reason I dabbled in New Age beliefs where I was taught practices like meditation and being one with nature to help my spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Awakening is a call to higher consciousness and deeper mental awareness. The process of spiritual awakening brings about personal transformation and a shift in one’s worldview. When someone goes through a spiritual awakening they experience a shift in their mental framework.

When I started applying my Christian faith through a relationship with the Creator rather than religion I then learnt that contrary to my previous beliefs there was no need for me to dabble into New Age beliefs and practices because when Christianity is applied as prescribed by the Scriptures it leads to spiritual awakening.

Salvation brings spiritual enlightenment

When I decided to explore the spiritual realm through the domain that is ruled by Jesus Christ i.e. the Kingdom of God I got saved. This salvation has implications for me in this lifetime and in eternity. The eternal implications are that I am now saved to spend eternity with the Creator. 

The implications of my salvation in this lifetime are that I am saved to fulfill the Creator’s agenda on the earth. I am saved so that through me the Creator's agenda can be brought to life on earth. The Creator is a spiritual being and for his agenda to be successful through me I need to have the ability to spiritually discern his will.

When I got saved I was simultaneously enabled to spiritually discern his will through the Holy Spirit. My responsibility is to ensure I enhance this ability through working on my relationship with the Creator. My salvation is a free gift it is not a consequence of my efforts or practices; it protects my mind and brings me spiritual awakening that brought me a new life.

I am therefore working out my salvation as a means to a spiritual awakening so I can be who I was created to be.

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