I found my calling when I accepted my weakness

It is often said that you should find what you are good at in order to find your calling. However, I have found this to be confusing, as I have loved doing different things at different stages of my life. I found my calling when I accepted my weaknesses, which is the opposite of what I have been taught all my life.

When I realized that I am weak against the evil spiritual forces that are fighting for my attention, I humbled myself before the Creator and put my full trust in Him. Through this act of humility, He revealed my calling to me, which is something that I am not good at. However, it is now my responsibility to explore all available opportunities to improve my skills so that I can be good at it.

Contrary to popular belief, my calling was revealed to me when I accepted my weaknesses and humbled myself before the Lord. I believe that this is the true path to finding your calling in life.

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