My limitations as a human being are real

No human is limited is a belief that was the foundation of my life application because I believed any human being can go beyond their limits and no human being should be limited in their thoughts, in what he or she should be doing. I was convinced self-belief is crucial.

But in truth and in reality as a human being walking on earth I have limits. It is not true that I am not limited and can do anything because this life on earth is influenced in the spiritual realm.

Earthly life is influenced by the spiritual realm

As a human being my life experience on earth is influenced in the spiritual realm either towards God(of the Bible) or away from him and by default I am influenced away from God (of the Bible). In his grace God has made it possible for me to opt in towards him through the Kingdom of God, a spiritual domain in which Jesus Christ reigns.

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual realm domain that influences me towards God (of the Bible), it is a spiritual domain through which God intends to put his power on display in partnership with human beings.When I am influenced towards God (of the Bible) I am able to make an impact on earth that fulfills God’s purpose for my life.

When I am influenced away from God I will make an impact that influences others away from God fulfilling the agenda of the kingdoms that are hostile to the will of God.Therefore the belief that no human is limited only considers what is temporal and visible with the naked eye, this belief does not consider the true reality of my life i.e. in the spiritual realm.

When I accept my limitations and submit them to God through his Kingdom I am enabling him to fulfill his agenda through my life and the consequences are that his power is put on display and many others are influenced towards him.

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