Humility is an outcome not a practice

There is a popular saying that says Being humble is a sign of a great human being. I took this to mean I have to practice specific acts that demonstrate humility to be a great human, in other words I thought being humble is a consequence of practicing certain actions. In my case practicing humility is easier said than done, because it is not my default setting.

These activities I practiced in my effort to be the best human being only resulted in false humility which was put on display when I was under pressure.I then quickly learnt that true humility is not consequence of specific practices it has to have its roots elsewhere


If my goal is to be who God has created me to be, true humility is a must have trait, but as I had learnt it cannot be attained by practicing certain actions. In the spiritual realm where Jesus Christ is King i.e. Kingdom of God the source of true humility is the fear of God.

Fear of God is the deep respect of God (of the Bible) it is not the same as the fear of God’s wrath. It is the fear of doing life on earth without a relationship with him.This deep respect of God is essential because it will lead me to the true knowledge of who God (of the Bible) is and when it is combined with patience it demonstrates gentleness and generous love to others translating to true humility.

I will not find true humility by practicing specific actions but I will put it on display when I focus my efforts on things that demonstrate my deep respect for God (of the Bible).

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