Trust aligned me with true wisdom

Wisdom is the capacity to judge rightly in matters relating to life and conduct. Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, recommends three ways to acquire wisdom.He said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”

I agree that this is a sensible recommendation when seeking human wisdom. However, I am on a journey of aligning my life with wisdom that is of a higher form than human wisdom. I believe that human wisdom has failed me, and I am now seeking wisdom that comes from above . I believe that this recommendation will not apply to my journey, as I am seeking wisdom that is beyond human understanding.

Highest form of wisdom

To align myself with the highest form of wisdom, I had to enter the spiritual realm where Jesus Christ reigns supreme. In this spiritual realm, alignment with wisdom is the result of putting all my trust in Jesus Christ rather than relying on human understanding.

Human wisdom can be acquired through learning and understanding, but to align myself with the highest form of wisdom, I must place my full trust in Jesus Christ. I will therefore seek this higher form of wisdom as if I were seeking a treasure, so that I may become who I was created to be.

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