True faith requires belief before sight

I grew up believing that my faith in the unseen God will grow when I see the evidence of his existence, this belief is the reason I was always on the lookout for miracles as evidence that God exists and he is in my life.

My belief that seeing is believing requires evidence in the seen realm but this is in contradiction to the biblical faith which requires me to believe the unseen God before I experience his power in my life in the seen realm.
Biblical faith

Biblical faith requires me to have complete trust and belief in God (of the Bible) who is unseen. This kind of faith starts with the heart that believes in the Word of God and it is made perfect by Jesus Christ.

Therefore to grow in my faith and to personally experience and see the power of the unseen God(of the bible) in my life I have to first believe that he exists and trust him completely without diluting him with other gods.

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