Submission not self effort enables me to be good

"Being good is not something you are, it is something you do," this was the foundation of my motto in my effort to be a good person.This comes from the belief that God requires me to do good in order for to regard me as a good person,but as I walk in this journey of faith I realize that God’s standard of goodness is a lot higher than I imagined and it cannot be attained through self effort.

Good according to God ( of the Bible)

I am regarded as a good person in God's eyes when all aspects of my life work in harmony to fulfill the good deeds he has planned in advance for my life. The knowledge of good deeds God has planned for me is only possible through divine guidance given by the Holy Spirit through Scriptures .

To access the Holy Spirit I have to step into the spiritual domain where Jesus Christ is King,  this means that I cannot meet the standard of goodness according to God (of the Bible) in my self effort or when I am outside the Kingdom of God.Therefore to be regarded as a good person by God’s standard I have to step into his Kingdom and submit myself to the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

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