TESTIMONY: Learning begins when questioned not when taught.

I had always made it my business to stay away from religious discussions with people who do not share the same beliefs as mine, because I was convinced that religious topics are a source of conflict and they should be limited to people with similar beliefs. When in social circles I would not venture into any religious discussion because it was my belief that it would not be good for peace and harmony.

But in fact, the real reason for this stance had nothing to do with my interest in peace and harmony, it had to do with self perseverance. I did not know enough about my religious beliefs because they were not based on my own convictions or experience, they were based on the beliefs of the denominational church I grew up in.I did not want to put the teachings of my denominational church under scrutiny. I was more comfortable embracing the teachings as they have been taught to me.

When my denominational church beliefs were unable to provide me with answers to difficult life situations I moved away from them, with that I changed my stance and opened myself up to discussing religious topics with people who held a different beliefs from mine.

I learned more

When I opened myself up to cordial religious discussions with people from different church denominations or religious beliefs, I was confronted with difficult and uncomfortable questions but I also learnt from my previous experience that I would rather confront these questions now than realize later that my beliefs do not provide me with relevant solutions to life difficult situations.

In confronting these difficult and uncomfortable questions I was forced to dig deeper. As I dug deeper I learnt more and the convictions about my religious beliefs were confirmed. My take away therefore is that learning does not start when taught, it starts when questioned.

I now enjoy cordial religious discussions with people from different church denominations and religious beliefs as they help me learn more about my beliefs and force me to put them under scrutiny so I can apply the teachings with confidence when life difficult situations confront me.

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