LIFE LESSON: To prove the invisible exists, live like it exists

A few years ago a friend made this comment, “It would be so much easier to convince others God exists if he was visible”. He was saying this out of frustration because he could not convince his colleagues in an argument that God exists, because they said they would only believe it if they see him with a naked eye.

When this statement was made I was still new in my faith and it bothered me because I would also be stumped if someone would ask me to prove the existence of God, I could point to created things but I knew it would not be enough.

I had not thought about this in a while and when I revisited it recently I realized I still did not have a convincing response to a skeptic who would only be convinced of the existence of God when they see him in the flesh. This time I was not going to let it go, so I decided to dig a little bit deeper to find the right argument.

We are made in the image of God

God is a spiritual being which means he exists in a dimension superior to the natural dimension where we exist. He exists in the spiritual dimension which is invisible to the natural dimension. This is the reason we cannot see God with our naked eye.

When God created us he said he created us in his own image, this means he created us so we can be a reflection of his image. We are currently not able to truly reflect his image because since Adam and Eve we have been alienated from him and we are influenced by forces that are hostile to his will. But he has been on a mission to reconcile us to himself by delivering us from these forces that are hostile to his will. To do this he has initiated a process of salvation and all we have to do is to opt in on it.

As we opt in on his process we are cleared to truly reflect his image, he also reveals to us our true identity which is the best version of ourselves.

We are therefore created to make the invisible God visible and living our lives on earth as if God truly exists, is the best case to make in an argument to prove his existence to skeptics.

I have since moved my focus away from trying to find good arguments to prove the existence of God to living this life as if he exists.

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