LIFE LESSON: The foundation of physical identity should be in the invisible realm

I recently watched a documentary titled  A girl in the River. It is about a Pakistani woman who didn't know falling in love would mean death. But she survived and now takes us into the dark world of honor killings. In her community women are killed by their own family members  for dishonor when they marry into another family not approved by her family.

When I was watching this I was horrified to see what human beings are capable of doing to each other, especially in this case where the culprits and victims are blood related. These crimes are committed because these men claim to protect the honor of their family name, in other words they believe their identity is more important than human life.

It is easy to sit and judge the culprits harshly but I have elevated my physical identity above other human beings. I have elevated my manhood, my race and my citizenship above other human beings. Like these Pakistani men I am likely to turn to violence when when my identity is threatened, I could hurt those of the opposite gender when I feel my manhood is threatened or I could be antagonistic towards people of different races from mine or I could be prejudiced against people from other countries.

This makes me no different to the Pakistani men who perpetrated these crimes against their daughters.Elevating my identity above other human beings is the consequence of rooting life in the visible dimension and the Bible discourages that.

Invisible dimension leads to true identity

The visible dimension is a temporary life experience and the invisible dimension is the permanent life experience.The Creator exists in the invisible dimension therefore our true identity is also found in the invisible dimension.When the foundation of life is in the invisible, then physical identity flows through the permanent life experience leading to true identity.

When identity in the physical world is rooted to the visible dimension it results in battles that steer away from true identity. To find true identity the physical identity should flow from a life rooted in the invisible which the Creator made accessible through His Son.

To succeed in my journey towards wholeness I will ensure my identity in the visible flows from a life that is grounded in the invisible through Jesus Christ.

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