Destiny is to be aligned with not created

I used to believe that I had to create my own destiny. I thought that meant taking control of my life and shaping it into what I wanted it to be. However, this perspective suggests that destiny is something that I can control. According to the Kingdom of God this perspective is flawed because the Kingdom defines destiny as God’s wondrous promise of unity with humanity to fulfill His eternal plan on earth.

My destiny is a preordained course that was determined before I was born but because of my sinful nature, I was always walking away from it. However, now that I have accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God, my union with Jesus Christ positions me well to be aligned with it. Therefore, my role in determining my destiny is not to create it, but to align with it.

To ensure that I am well aligned with destiny, I will familiarize myself with the Scriptures to gain the skill to understand and implement it.

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