I found true spiritual enlightenment in the Kingdom

The concept of spiritual enlightenment has become synonymous with self-realization and the ability to perceive the false self and the layers of social conditioning that obscure the authentic self.This concept of spiritual enlightenment was more appealing to me than the Bible teachings from my denominational church, because I could immediately apply it to my life, in contrast to the teachings from the church.

Even after exploring this concept of spiritual enlightenment by reading various books and viewing videos of popular gurus who claimed to be enlightened, I did not reach a stage of self-realization. In fact, I felt like I was not making any progress because I was not becoming spiritually enlightened. I was more confused about my authentic self than when I began this journey.

It was only after I accepted the invitation into the Kingdom of God that I felt like I was moving toward my authentic self. I did not know it at the time, but I now realize that the invitation into the Kingdom of God is an invitation to spiritual enlightenment that comes as a consequence of following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Kingdom enlightenment

Accepting the invitation into the Kingdom of God has enlightened my understanding of the Creator, revealing the wealth of the glorious spiritual inheritance that comes with accepting His invitation. This enlightenment revealed to me the immeasurable greatness of the Creator's power, which, by faith, works through me to make my life on earth a manifestation of this power.

The spiritual enlightenment from the Kingdom of God is the hidden spiritual treasure that I will spend the rest of my life discovering. It is the spiritual wisdom that reveals the spiritual endless riches that come with true knowledge of the Creator. This kind of enlightenment is not new; it has always been in the world since the beginning of time, yet I have been unaware of it.

To experience self-realization and to perceive the layers of social conditioning that obscure my authentic self, I will hold on to this brilliant dawn of the knowledge of the Creator by keeping my focus on Jesus Christ, despite the difficult circumstances of life.

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