Knowledge trumps sensuality

I used to say "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual" to explain why I left my denominational church religous teachings. I thought I was my own god and could access the spiritual realm on my own. But the truth is, the spiritual realm is invisible and can't be perceived with human senses.

My human senses are spiritually blind, therefore believing I'm my own god is the blind leading the blind. When I rely on my human senses to perceive the spiritual realm, I won't get to true knowledge of truth. Instead I open myself up to being influenced spiritual domains that want to deceive me. They offer me the good life on earth, but they lead me astray in the spiritual realm. I unknowingly fulfill their agendas, which they don't make known upfront.

That's why I chose the Kingdom of God as my gateway into the spiritual realm. The Kingdom of God's agenda is clear: to guarantee that I spend eternity with the Creator and to influence others towards the Kingdom by making my life a vessel that puts the Creator's glory on display. My contribution to the success of this agenda is a commitment to share the good news about the Kingdom.

Reliance on my human senses will impede my search for truth, so I will focus on gaining Kingdom knowledge so I can rely on it to effectively share the good news of the Kingdom of God and position myself for true knowledge on this life and the eternity.

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