The flawed book is the source of the supernatural

The Bible is a book written by humans, so some people argue that it cannot be the ultimate truth because human beings are flawed. I used to believe this argument myself, but as I have grown in my faith, I have come to realize that the fact that the Bible was written by humans is actually a testament to how the Creator operates on earth.

When I first started reading the Bible, I was amazed by how much it revealed about the Kingdom of God, a supernatural domain where the rule of Jesus Christ reigns supreme. I learned about my responsibilities in the Kingdom, as well as the Creator's promises . I also learned about the history of Creation and how to chart a path away from religion.

As I continued to read the Bible, I was consumed by a fiery passion for Kingdom knowledge because I realized that the miracle wonders of the Kingdom of God are hidden in the Bible, and I was determined to keep my heart pure so that I could experience them.

My Bible experience has been supernatural and human writing alone would not have been able to produce it. The Bible was written through human beings to demonstrate that the Creator prefers to do the supernatural on earth through the hands of flawed natural beings.

The Bible is a supernatural book that has the ultimate authority on truth. I will continue to read it daily with the expectation that it will reveal my true self so that through me, the Creator can put on display the supernatural in the natural world. 

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