LIFE LESSON: God revealed in the bible is like no other.

Seeking the truth about God could be a challenge considering that he is defined differently by people depending on their religious beliefs. These varying beliefs exist inside and outside the Christian faith.

Within the Christian faith itself there is no uniformity on the definition of his character or how we should be interacting with him. 

Adding to the confusion is African spirituality, this might not mean anything to you if you are not African and black, but if you are African and  black and you do not observe African spirituality you are considered anti black in some quarters. So as a black person African spirituality is a reality to contend with when searching for the truth.

These varying opinions can be intimidating and overwhelming for someone seeking the truth. It is a lot easier to stay with what you were brought up with instead of taking this confusing journey of searching for the truth yourself. I know that was the case for me until life circumstances pushed me to seek the truth. There is a lot of varying opinions about God that it makes it difficult to know where to start, I started with what I already knew i.e. Christian faith fortunately I did not have to look further than outside the Christian faith, but I had to make some drastic adjustments when I realized my understanding of God was not aligned with the bible.

When we speak about God across faith lines we assume that we are referring to the same divine entity. We somehow have a belief that there is one common God and multiple ways to get to him. I am convinced that this belief is misleading and it is the reason there is so much confusing information about who God is and what he expects of us.  

There are many other gods.

In the Christian faith we believe God reveals himself to us through His Word the bible. In the bible we are told of many other gods and we are even warned about worshiping them. When the word God is used in the bible the God of the bible is denoted with a capital "G" and other gods are denoted with a small "g". 

So from a Christian point of view any god with characteristics that are different from the God as revealed in the bible is not God. It might be a god but it is not our God.

God as revealed in the Bible

Our God in the Bible is revealed as the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. He is a triune God meaning he is one being, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), all equally God who know and love each other.

He is accessed ONLY through his Son Jesus Christ. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior he fills us with his Spirit so that through us he can demonstrate his love and power to the world.


He still performs miracles and speaks today as he did in biblical times.He is God who never changes. He is separate from other gods and there is no one like him. 

He doesn't share his glory so when we mix him up with other things or beings we no longer serve him but we serve the gods of our own conception. 

Therefore it is possible for bible carrying Christians to unwittingly serve gods of their own conception instead of serving God as revealed in the bible. This happens in the following ways

  • When we follow man made ideas of getting to God instead of using God's way of getting to man i.e. Jesus Christ. Religion is a man - made idea of getting to God

  • When we add ancestral worship as part of our worship to God

  • When we elevate those in the pulpit to a godlike status. 

Those outside the Christian faith serve a divine entity with different characteristics from God as revealed in the bible therefore it goes without saying that those outside the Christian faith are not serving God but they serve other gods. 

So my conclusion is that contrary to popular belief there are multiple gods but there is one God as revealed in the bible and there is only one way to him.

To ensure I don't unwittingly stray away from God as revealed in the bible I meditate consistently on his Word so his purpose for my life can be fulfilled. Joshua 1:8

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