I am a SHEEP who needs a SHEPHERD

When I got frustrated by the failure of my denominational church teachings to provide me with real life solutions to real life problems, I aligned myself with a New Age slogan “Hail to thyself for I am my own master, I am my own God I need no shepherd for I am not a sheep”.

The slogan appealed to me because there was no obvious link between what I was being taught at my denominational church and my daily life experience.This led me to conclude that the God I am searching for on the outside must reside within me, meaning I am my own god. As it turns out this belief is the misappropriation of the Biblical truth. 

Defense against false gods

In the spiritual realm there are spiritual beings who parade themselves as the true God, these false gods have supernatural powers that are above that of natural beings. Their mission is to deceive human beings away from the agenda of the true God.

I am by default aligned to these false gods and to defend myself against their mission I have to opt into the Kingdom of God, when I opt in to the Kingdom I receive the power (Holy Spirit) that enables me to effectively defend myself against the false gods.

The power (Holy Spirit) I receive when I opt in on the Kingdom of God levels up the playing fields between me and the false gods putting me on the same level with them enabling me to effectively defend myself from being distracted. 

The power (Holy Spirit) is given so I can effectively defend the Creator's agenda for my life. It is not given to make me my own god, at the end of the day I am still a mere sheep (natural person) who needs the shepherd (Jesus Christ) to guide me against the supernatural powers of the false gods.

I no longer hail myself because I do not rely on my natural abilities (sheep) but I rely on the supernatural abilities of the ONE that matters most (shepherd) so that his agenda for my life can prevail over my agenda.

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