My harmless desires are not a guide to what is right

If it does not hurt anyone it cannot be a sin, this statement was the foundation of my application on determining whether my desires were sinful or not. I used this as the basis of my argument a few years ago when a well known homosexual celebrity walked out of a church service because the pastor was preaching against homosexuality. This celebrity posted about his reactions on social media out of disgust. 

I got into a heated debate with a friend when the post  trended on social media. I defended the celebrity and my argument was that it is unfair to rule homosexuality as sin because this desire does not cause harm to anyone. My friend on the other hand was adamant that it is a sin because the Bible says so.

We ended up agreeing to disagree. A few years later after I had started my journey to explore the spiritual realm through the Kingdom of God, I had to call my friend with the tail between my legs conceding that he was right and I was wrong.

I was wrong in believing that determining whether an act or desire is sinful or not is based on its harmful impact to others. This means I believed that a sinful action is determined when its consequences are visible in the physical realm, but the standard is a lot higher than that the consequences of sin according to the Bible are not always visible in the physical realm.

Sinful actions

The invitation into the spiritual domain that is reigned by Jesus Christ is an invitation to experience eternal life. Sin works against this invitation to inhibit us experiencing eternal life while in this world. 

The sin consequences of my actions or desires are not always visible to the naked eye therefore I have to rely on the Bible as my guide into the spiritual realm to give me insight about the consequences of my actions and desires.

Pursuing the desires of my earthly body may be harmless in the physical realm but if the Bible says it is harmful in the spiritual realm I have to obey it. My feelings on the matter do not change its consequences in the spiritual realm.

I am a sinful person by default and as long as I am on this earthly body, I am still prone to actions and desires that are sinful so I have to put all my actions and desires through the Bible filter before I put them into practice.

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