My belief is only a first step to destiny
I grew up in Soshanguve, a township north of Tshwane. When I was in primary school there was a rumor in the neighborhood about a family that was allegedly practicing witchcraft. A very good friend of mine whose mother was a traditional healer would always tell us about the activities of this family to warn us against them.
Everytime my friend would tell these stories to warn us I would respond by telling him witchcraft only affects people like him who believe, but it would not have an impact on me because I come from a church going family who believed in the existence of God.
This became the foundation of my application of the gospel which I carried into my adulthood, but I was way off the mark. Belief in God and regular church attendance is not God’s (of the Bible) ultimate plan for my life; it is just a first step in the right direction towards the God's ultimate plan for my life.
Warrior of God
God (of the Bible) created the spiritual realm that is ruled by Jesus Christ (the Kingdom of God) so he can put his power on display to his creation on the earth, but the false gods stand in opposition to this plan.To overcome the opposition of his plan on the earth, God (of the Bible) invites human beings to embrace his Kingdom so he can turn them into warriors defending his plan. When the invitation is accepted he empowers those who accept with his Spirit (Holy Spirit) to guide them. To successfully fight off the opposition the recipients of God's Spirit have to take up the spiritual armor that he provides this is the truth, faith, righteousness, gospel, Word of God and prayer.
God’s (of the Bible) ultimate plan for my life on earth is not that I should only believe in his existence and go to church regularly. He wants me to be his warrior bringing his agenda on earth to life. My application of the gospel is now anchored on embracing the Kingdom of God, learning its ways and precepts daily so I can successfully reach the destiny God (of the Bible) has for my life.