My superpower comes from committing fully to one source

The reason why God (of the Bible) insists on sole commitment to himself is because he is insecure and can't stand any competition, this narrative is popular with atheists in my circles. It is a narrative that I could not counter and I was somehow pursued by it.

The narrative almost derailed me because I lacked an understanding of my true identity

Representative of the most high

The invitation into the spiritual realm domain that is ruled by Jesus Christ (Kingdom of God) comes with power, because on acceptance the hand to hand battle is no longer with flesh and blood it is with spiritual beings that are more powerful than human beings and are hostile to the plan of God on the earth.This power is therefore given to ensure that the plan of God on the earth is realised.

This power puts those who accept the invitation on an equal footing with the spiritual beings that are hostile to the plan of God but it is only activated when they fully commit and rely on God. 

When I accepted the invite into the Kingdom of God my true identity was confirmed. I am a representative of the Most High God,equipped to fight against supernatural beings who are hostile to his agenda. This superpower in me is only activated when I fully commit and rely on God.

I do not want to dilute the superpower given to me when I accepted the invite into the Kingdom of God therefore I rely on God as the source of everything I need to be who he has created me to be,so that through me his agenda on the earth is fulfilled.

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