LIFE LESSON: True identity is found through a relationship, not religion

We are all consciously or unconsciously on a journey of seeking our true identity, a journey of seeking the best version of who we are, people who believe there is a Superpower have gone in the following 2 directions to find their true identity. 

Religion - There are at top 5 religions in the world that people tend to subscribe to these are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 

Spirituality - People who follow this direction can be categorized in the following routes

  • Mediumship - this route is the alleged act of interceding between the spirits of the departed and living people.

  • Ancestral beliefs - this route is deeply dependent on the premise that the souls of the dead may return to the living and influence their lives;

  • New Age - this route encompasses different spiritual practices outside of the major religions. New Age are actually dumbed down Eastern Religious Practices.

Others have used the combination of Religion and Spirituality to find their true identity. I have dabbled in religion and spirituality to find my true identity.

I come from a Christian religious background but I have unknowingly dabbled in New Age Spiritualism where I practiced meditation based on Eastern religions. I was unknowingly reading books that were promoting Buddhist practices, one of the popular books I was reading was titled The Monk who sold his Ferrari

I dabbled into the New Age because my religion did not enable me to connect the dots between religion and my journey to find the best version of myself. I did not see anything wrong with that because New Age has the same message as Christian religion about love and peace but New Age seemed to offer more details on how to practice their teachings on a daily basis than my Christian religion

But even when I was dabbling into New Age practices I still felt like I was missing something. It still felt like I was going nowhere slowly. I did not understand this feeling then but I now know that  the combination of my Christian religion and the New Age stuff was only providing partial answers or solutions to my journey to find the true version of who I am.

When I revisited my Christian faith from a different perspective where I was pursuing it from a relationship and not from a religious point of view I realized that Christianity when done through a relationship with the Creator produces traits that will enable me to find my true identity.  


The reason God created human beings is so that we could populate the earth and live out the best version of ourselves, therefore pursuing our true identity is the best honor we can give him. 

God wants us to pursue this journey but it is a journey that cannot be done in our own strength, because his standard of success is too high to achieve in our finite human strength. God calls our journey a success when the fruits of our journey have eternal influence. Eternal influence is influence that positively impacts the lives of others in this lifetime and the next lifetime.

Eternal influence is not possible in finite human strength but when we are in a relationship with him he enables us to acquire the following traits which are a good grounding for eternal influence.

8 quality traits to true identity

  1. Love the intense affection and deep commitment to him and others

  2. Joy an emotion of great delight which unlike happiness is not controlled by circumstances 

  3. Patience the ability to wait with a good attitude even when facing difficult circumstances 

  4. Kindness the ability of being friendly to others

  5. Generosity the ability to be generous

  6. Faithfulness the ability to be steadfast and loyal to him and others

  7. Gentleness  the ability to show others kindness

  8. Self Control the ability to self restraint

Many people have achieved a great level of success and influence by pursuing one or more of these virtues but the standard of influence or success they achieve in their own strength is still of a low standard compared to the standard God wants us to achieve because its impact is limited to this lifetime . 

It is God’s desire for us to achieve the success or level of influence that has an impact to eternity and he wants to partner with us to achieve this level of success. My prayer is for the courage to stay in a relationship with the Creator so I could be who he has created me to be.

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