LIFE LESSON: The truth about the way to self discovery is hidden in plain sight

I enjoy Formula 1 racing but I am not a big fan of the current world champion Max Verstappen, recently he was quoted saying something that I believe was profound and could be applied to everyday life. Max Verstappen issued a second driver warning: ‘You can’t live in a fairytale world’

To put this in context Formula1 teams are made up of 2 drivers, one driver is usually preferred over the other. The driver that is preferred is referred to as the 1st driver and in an ideal world the 2nd driver’s role is to help the 1st driver achieve success even if it is at the cost of the 2nd driver. Formula 1 drivers are some of the best drivers in the world and they all think they are worthy of being the 1st driver. The title of 2nd driver does not sit well with them as a result we have seen some serious battles amongst team members.

So what Max is saying here is that he believes that 2nd drivers must accept their limitations to ensure that the team reaches success. Given some incidents that happened between Max Verstappen and his teammate Sergio Perez last season I believe this is Max’s backhanded way of telling his teammate to stay in his lane.

This might seem like an arrogant comment from Max but I believe this is an important life lesson, we could all do well to stay in our lanes not only for our benefit but for the benefit of society in which we exist.

Staying in your lane is a difficult concept to grasp if you don't know your lane. The lane is our true identity, the journey of self discovery to find our true identity can be very intimidating because we are all unique and the journey might lead to paths that have never been traveled before.

When I first embarked on this journey I followed in the footsteps of other people whom I admired but that did not  work well for me because their journey was unique to them. I have since discovered there is a reliable template that has been hidden in plain sight.This template can be trusted as it has been around for the last 2000 years and it has withstood the test of times.

Template to self discovery

The God of the Bible does want us to discover our true identity which is why he gave us the life of his only Son as a template on what to expect when we embark on this journey. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ provides a template for this journey which can be explained in the following 3 phases.

Persecution - Through his persecution we are taught that there is a very high price to pay if we want to know our true identity.

Death - Through his death we are taught that character building is an important part of the journey to self discovery.

Resurrection - Through his resurrection we are taught that the true journey to self discovery is not just for our benefit it is mainly for the benefit of others.

God not only gives us a reliable way to self discovery he also provides us with directions and instructions to navigate various phases of this journey through the Bible.

The gospel not only encourages us to stay in our own lane, it provides us with a way that is guaranteed to enable us reach our true identity. My prayer is to have the courage to emulate the life of Jesus Christ so I can find my own lane to stay in.

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