LIFE LESSON: Eternal influence defines true identity

Elon Musk is a well known entrepreneur who evokes mixed feelings from different people, to some he is a Superhero to others he is a Supervillain. Despite all this the fact remains that Elon Musk is the most successful entrepreneur who has created for himself an identity of global influence which is the envy of many people.

My observation is that he has displayed 2 characteristics that I believe are key to his success amongst other factors:

He thinks outside the box - This enabled him to build an Electric car that works and is popular, a feat that established car manufacturers failed to achieve. He has also revolutionized space technology through SpaceX

He is courageous - He went all in by risking all of his family’s wealth by plunging all his personal finances into Tesla and Spacex when both businesses were on the verge of collapse and investors did not want to put in more funding to rescue them.

My journey to find my true identity is based on the teachings of the Bible which also commands us to not think like the world and to be courageous. I am sure Elon Musk did not learn these characteristics from the Bible because he is Agnostic but he has unintentionally created his own playbook which many of us would like to emulate because his success is the proof of concept.

I do not know many people who follow the Bible playbook who have as much influence as Elon Musk.So naturally I have been questioning myself on why am I invested in a playbook that is not providing me with visible and tangible results in my immediate environment instead of an Elon Musk playbook that is providing me with clear and tangible results? 

But I am learning that even though both playbooks recommend similar characteristics towards a journey of true identity the outcomes are not the same.

Elon Musk playbook

Success according to Elon Musk’s playbook is achieved independent of the Creator, in own human strength and it is defined by popular influence that draws attention to yourself. Maintaining popular influence relies on how other human beings perceive you in the long run. This could be a burden especially in the cancel culture. 

Bible playbook

According to the Bible, all creation including human beings is meant to draw attention to the Creator, therefore success according to this playbook is defined by influence that draws attention to the Creator. The Influence that points to the Creator is eternal influence because it lasts beyond this lifetime into the next. It is not achievable in human strength or intellect therefore it requires full dependence on the Creator.

When you have achieved success as defined in this playbook the Creator  puts you on the pedestal but the burden to maintain your influence remains with him.

Elon Musk and many others like him who have created identities of great influence will always inspire me but as I travel this journey of self discovery, I will rely on the teachings of the Bible to guide my journey as I strive for eternal influence.

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