LIFE LESSON: The source of distraction to completeness is not fellow human beings

The Illuminati and the Freemasons organizations have been accused of conspiring to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order.

I first got to hear about these organizations when I recieved unsolicited private messages via social media platforms and emails from them. My biggest concern as I deliberated about this unsolicited communication was that if there are such powerful human organizations able to establish a New World Order what does this mean to me personally and my quest to finding completeness? Do I believe this? If so, what should I do next? What are the consequences if I don't believe this? I had too many unanswered questions but few answers.

Once more the Bible provided me not only answers, but also gave me the next steps. You see the Bible does confirm the existence of a conspiracy to influence humanity to follow a “New World Order” but it leads to a different conclusion about the source of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy to deceive humanity

Human beings were created to fulfill the will of the Creator in the natural realm. Spiritual beings were created to fulfill the will of the Creator in the spiritual realm but some of the spiritual beings rebelled against the Creator. The rebellion means these spiritual beings declared a war against the will of the Creator both in the spiritual and the natural realm.

To make this rebellion a reality in the natural realm the rebel spiritual beings have to operate through human beings because human beings are an effective way to bring spiritual reality into the natural realm.

The rebel spiritual beings declared war with the Creator knowing that this war is a no contest because the Creator is mightier than them. The only weapon in their disposal is deception to distract human beings from fulfilling their mandate.

The belief that the source of the conspiracy is human beings is part of the deception because for as long as we hold on to this belief we will put on protective measures that are effective against human beings but ineffective against spiritual beings rendering the deception successful.

The conspiracy to influence humanity does exist but contrary to popular belief the source of the conspiracy to bring “New World Order” is not human beings or any organizations humans create, it is the rebel spiritual beings.

To protect ourselves effectively against this spiritual deception the Bible teaches us to use protective equipment that the Creator has provided specifically for this purpose. This protective equipment includes truth, righteousness, faith, peace, salvation, Word of God and prayer.

The source of distractions I encounter en route to completeness might be disguised as human beings but I will not use up my energy fighting against fellow human beings instead I will direct my energy to the actual source by using the appropriate equipment to ensure I win against this deceit designed to steer me away from being who I was created to be.

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