A singular focus on the Kingdom serves as a springboard for profound insight.

LIFE LESSON; Comprehending the nature of God goes beyond mere knowledge of church rituals; it begins with genuine understanding of His kingdom

During my upbringing in a denominational church, I observed and admired individuals who possessed a profound comprehension of the religious rituals. I admired them because I presumed that God favored churchgoers well-versed in these rituals. However, I have since realized that God seeks a deeper familiarity with His Kingdom rather than mere church rituals.

As a believer it is crucial for me to understand the Kingdom of God, for it is within this realm that my true freedom lies (Luke 22:16). My soul is innately inclined to oppose God's will, it therefore requires healing to find acceptance in His sight. This healing can only be attained within the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:9).

The Kingdom of God, as mentioned in Corinthians 4:28, serves as a means to manifest God's power on earth. By prioritizing knowledge of the Kingdom over church rituals, I become a vessel through which God's power can be revealed.

An exclusive focus on church rituals had inadvertently distanced me from a genuine understanding of God. Recognizing this limitation, I have shifted my emphasis toward cultivating an intimate knowledge of His Kingdom. This reorientation has fostered a deeper, more personal relationship with God , transcending mere external observances.

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