Heaven is not my life pursuit
I was raised to believe that complying with God's will means living a good life on Earth in pursuit of heaven. However, I have found that this is not the case. To comply with God's will, I should spend my time on Earth learning how to be an active citizen of the Kingdom of God, rather than pursuing heaven.
Heaven is a future eternal home that God has built for His children, but it will only be revealed at the end of time when Jesus Christ returns. In the meantime, God in His wisdom has created an enclave on Earth where Jesus Christ prepares those who follow Him for heaven. This enclave is the Kingdom of God.
The realities of heaven should be esteemed as treasure, but the enclave should be pursued with passion. Those who go through its preparation become the building blocks through which many others will be influenced towards heaven when it is ultimately revealed.
I will pursue Jesus Christ, the King with all authority in the Kingdom, to position myself to be the vessel used to influence others first to the Kingdom and then ultimately to heaven.