Influence is the attainable goal over rules

I was raised in a religious household in a denominational church environment. However, my life was no different from that of the next person who came from a good home but was not necessarily religious. This made me question my religion, as it was clear that I did not need religious rules to be good. The goal to maintain religous rules and heaven seemed unattainable and so far away.

This left me feeling discouraged until I realized that I had been looking at things the wrong way. The goal of Christianity is attainable and not so far away.

Eternal impact is the impartation of a blessing that affects the eternal destiny of others. It is the blessing of influencing the eternal destinies of others by pointing them to the Kingdom of God. It is a blessing that I am allowed to impart to others when I accepted my invitation to the Kingdom of God. It holds the key to all that God has in store for me both in this lifetime and the next.

Becoming an influencer for the Kingdom is a goal that attainable now, and it is activated by loving the ways of the Lord and communing with Him regularly, even in times of trouble. To sustain it, I will meditate regularly on the Word of God to help me overcome the temptation to prioritize religious rules over service to the Kingdom.

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