It is the willing that are called not the worthy

It was previously my belief that being called is a privilege reserved for the worthy, whose success is measured by the number of people they serve. I have since come to understand that this is not the case in the Kingdom of God.

In the Kingdom of God, a calling is not reserved for the worthy or select few. It is an invitation to all citizens of the Kingdom of God, and the appropriate response is a willingness to accept the invitation to fulfill the Creator's plans and purposes on earth. A Kingdom calling is fulfilled to please the Creator, not men, and therefore its success cannot be measured by the number of people served. It is measured by faithfulness to the Creator.

I have also believed that being called is about fulfilling my own desires. In the Kingdom, the purpose of a calling is to fulfill the Creator's desires and purposes over mine. A Kingdom calling is an opportunity to position myself to walk in the desires and purpose for which I was created, so that through me the Kingdom power can be made visible in this lifetime. While the calling is only valuable in this lifetime, its benefits will also be experienced in eternity.

To honor the Creator and find my true self in this lifetime, I am willing to honor His invitation to make it my life mission to know my calling and pursue it so that I can fulfill His desires over mine.

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