Demolished to make way for the new

I was raised to believe that obeying the Bible would lead to a good life as a result I thought that following God's word would solve all my problems, but my personal experience has been the opposite. When I started consciously obeying the Bible, my life fell apart. 

Things went downhill fast, and I was discouraged and confused because my expectations weren't met. Nobody told me that creating a good life is only half the story when it comes to obeying the Word of God.

Double edged sword

The Bible is a double-edged sword. There are both good and bad consequences to obeying it. The good consequence is that it has allowed me to create a new life built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. The bad consequence is that, while a new life is being created, all aspects of my life that were built outside the Kingdom of God are being demolished. My old life is being destroyed to make way for the new life that is built on the solid foundation of the Kingdom of God.

This process is not without fear or discouragement, because the demolition of my old life is visible, but the creation of my new life is not visible to the naked eye.. But I know that it is only a matter of time before my new life experience takes its rightful place in the visible realm and replaces my old life experience, so that God's name can be glorified.

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