My life experience on earth can be permanent

When I was younger, I learned through New Age teachings that everything is temporary: emotions, thoughts, people, and scenery. I shouldn't get attached to anything; I should just go with the flow. This perspective on life made sense to me, and I tried to apply it to my own life. But it was easier said than done.

I struggled with it because even though it made sense, I desperately needed something to hold on to when life didn't go my way. To my surprise, when I started my journey of faith in Jesus Christ, I learned that the Bible also encourages me not to get attached to this life on earth, because it is temporary.

I learned later that although the Bible encourages a similar perspective on life on earth, it goes further than New Age teachings. The Bible points me to a permanent life that I should hold on to.

Eternal Life

The Bible has discouraged me from placing too much emphasis on the value of life on earth. Instead, it encourages me to align myself with a life that will last forever: eternal life. This life offers a personal experience with God (of the Bible) and it starts with obeying and trusting in Jesus Christ.

I can only experience eternal life in the Kingdom of God. It is a gift that enables me to experience His presence, deliverance, victory, and true knowledge. It also restores my true identity and allows me to live life as God (of the Bible) had intended.

Living an eternal life on earth can be wearying, but the rewards are guaranteed both in this lifetime and the next.

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