Its repentance before baptism
I was baptized as an infant in accordance with the tradition of the denominational church in which I was raised. Infant baptism is not practiced by all denominations of the Christian faith, as some prefer to baptize adults. This always troubled me, as I could not understand why there is no consistency in the interpretation of this ritual, if it is as important as it is claimed, especially when all denominations of the Christian faith read from the same Bible.
I then decided to conduct my own research on this subject, and to my surprise I learned that my infant baptism was nothing more than a religious ritual that had no impact on the Kingdom of God.
Water Baptism
When I accepted an invitation into the Kingdom of God, in the spiritual realm I was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit, activating my salvation. Water baptism is a physical act to acknowledge what has happened in the spiritual realm. It is a public declaration of the unity of my spirit with Jesus Christ.When water baptism is done before repentance, it has no impact in the spiritual realm. Therefore, whether I am baptized as an infant or as an adult, water baptism without repentance is just a man made ritual with no impact in the Kingdom of God.
Water baptism after repentance is still neccesary as a public declaration of my allegiance to the Kingdom of God, I was therefore baptized again in 2019.
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